Already seen those big bikes with a trunk in front of them? In Berlin, you can rent them for free, thanks to the ADFC! Read here, how and where.

Cargo Bikes - © fLotte Berlin
Cargo Bikes – © fLotte Berlin

It’s getting warmer in the city, and so your usual way of transporting medium-sized stuff gets an alternative: Instead of renting a car for bringing things from A to B, you can now try the free service of fLotte Berlin.

They offer rental of freight / box / cargo bikes – without any fee. No strings attached. All you need is to

  • register at their website
  • look in the calendar when a bike is available
  • book it for free.

At the moment, they have 9 bikes, scattered around at 7 different locations in the city (health food stores, cafés, bike repair shops).

How to rent

  1. First, you register a free account on their site.
  2. Then check in the calendar when the next bike is available.
  3. To pick bike, click on its name in the left column. Click on the day you want to rent it (available days are in green).
  4. Click on Jetzt buchen (book now) at the bottom.

At the first the you have booked, you come to the location and pick up the bike. Remember to check the opening hours of the place, only then picking up and returning is possible. You also need to bring your ID card / passport and something with your address on, for instance your Meldebescheinigung (what you got when you registered at the Bürgeramt, these things are needed for their insurance and will be copied).

Why is it free?

The whole project is supported by the ADFC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club – German Cyclist’s Association). They want to promote bicycle riding and contribute to a greener city with better air and less cars. Sounds reasonable. 😉

Question about the renting process? Leave a comment!

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