From th bginning of this yar, my txts typd on my laptop lookd like this… The E letter on my keyboard was broken, well, not always – but I had to hit it really hard and long. Not really convenient, especially if you want to write “cheap” but what comes out is “chap”.

My old laptop, now newly insured against any water damage.
My old laptop, now newly insured against any water damage.

So while getting by with an external keyboard I checked repair options, and after some detours at regular Mac shops (“oh, sorry, can’t help you, machine too old”) I found the guys at Notebook-Lounge.

They could not only help my 2011 MacBook Pro, replacing its keyboard with a new one (for 200 EUR), but they also told me about an insurance option called Wertgarantie* that would have covered this damage.

At first I didn’t want to hear more about it because usually such insurance is overpriced and either covers only rare cases, or you need to pay a high deductible from your own pocket.

So I’ll start with the price: 8 EUR per month, no deductible.

For this rate, they promise to cover:

  • water / moisture damage
  • fall / crash damages
  • display / panel / glass-break
  • battery defects
  • overvoltage
  • improper handling
  • material defects

In case of a total loss, they even promise to pay a compensation which in the case of my 2011 MacBook Pro would be around 150 EUR.

Additionally, this insurance – it’s called Geräte-Komplettschutz* – offers to include an Anschlussgerät, meaning any device that you connect to the main device. So in case of my laptop, this is my printer. This printer is now also insured – within the 8 EUR per month for the laptop.

Pretty good offer, isn’t it?

So I subscribed – and decided to share it with you. And this is also not only about laptops: You can also insure other electronics, e.g. a

  • TV
  • Camera
  • Smartphone / Tablet
  • Washing machine
  • Fridge
  • etc.

(However I’m not sure if the values of these devices and rates are worth it – just check it with their calculator.*)

You can get the insurance via the Wertgarantie website – but I recommend going in person to one of their partner shops* (like Notebook-Lounge in Prenzlauer Berg). These partner shops seem to know all the little advantages and options and will counsel you to get the best options possible. And then in the case of a damage, you can also bring your laptop directly to the shop for the repair, without filling out any paperwork.

Get a Wertgarantie laptop insurance *

Links marked with a star (*) are affiliate links. If you click on such a link and then shop or order something, we will receive a commission for your purchase with which we can cover our expenses and keep the site free of ads. This does not change the price for you.

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