Living in Germany but your German is not so good yet? Doctolib & Doctena come to the rescue, as they easily allow you to find physicians & GPs speaking English (or another) language – and immediately make an appointment at them, for free.

It might be fine to practice your German at a party or at the supermarket, but if the situation is more serious, you want to be able to express yourself more easily. Like when having a health issue.

How to find English-speaking doctors

There are a few lists online of English speaking doctors – but to make an appointment, you still need to contact them on your own.

But luckily, we have two German web portals that allow you both to find doctors speaking a specific language, and to make immediately an appointment online: Doctena & Doctolib.


Doctena has an English interface so there is not much to explain: Simply fill out “Speciality & expertise”, add your city and pick “English” at “Language”.

Go to Doctena


Doctolib unfortunately has only a German interface, so these screenshots with translations give some help.

Go to Doctolib

Doctolib search form on homepage

On the homepage, we only have a simple form with 2 fields:

  • Name or speciality: Enter here the type of doctor / specialist you are looking for. The list is in German, so if in doubt, look up the specialist’s name in a dictionary. For instance a dermatologist is Dermatologe. Start typing and then pick the correct name from the list below.
  • District, city or postal code: Enter your postal code or district if you are looking for a close doctor, or city if e.g. all of Berlin is good for you.

Click on Suchen (Search).

Doctolib search with filters

We now see a list of first results – but we can filter them more. In the screenshot above I have already made some changes:

  • Gesprochene Sprachenspoken languages: Set this to English (or another language you speak)
  • Besuchsgrundreason for visit: If you are looking for a new doctor you have not been before to, pick Erstuntersuchung / Neupatient, saying that you are a new patient.

Besides, you can also filter for:

  • Verfügbarkeitavailability: Look only for doctors with free appointments today or within the next 3 days
  • Versicherunginsurance type: Pick the type of your health insurance. Kasse = public insurance (like TK, AOK, Barmer, DAK etc.), Privat / Selbstzahler – private insurance.
  • Videosprechstundevideo consultation: if you prefer to stay at home and talk to a doctor via a video call

Look for doctors with free appointments. This is how their calendars look like:

Doctolib: Calendar with free appointments

Once you have found a time slot that works for you, click on it.

Doctolib: Register or login

Now you are being asked to register a new account or login with your existing account. Probably you have no account yet, so you need to register.

Doctolib: Register new account

Fill out the registration form with your phone number, e-mail address and choose a password.

Doctolib: Verify phone number

And code is sent to you by SMS (or in case of a landline number: an automatic call is made) and you receive a 3-digit code. Enter it here.

Doctolib: Specify person

Now pick the person you are making an appointment for.

Doctolib: Add person

Since you are new, you have to fill out your personal data.

Doctolib: Confirm appointment

Finally, confirm your appointment. After that, you will also receive an email.

Go to Doctolib


Hope this helps! Feel free to ask in the comments.

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